Exterior Wall Quality Assurance-Virtual Only
Exterior Wall Quality Assurance is a two-day course for professionals interested in observing exterior wall systems to document whether they are installed in accordance with construction documents. The program covers diverse topics in the construction of exterior walls, including air barriers, vapor retarders, water-resistive barriers, insulation, flashing, concrete, EIFS, masonry, stucco, and terracotta. It is intended for manufacturers, general contractors, quality assurance observers, and field inspectors.
Course participants will receive objective and detailed information regarding the duties of the Registered Exterior Wall Consultant.
Although not a preparatory course for the Registered Exterior Wall Consultant (REWC)® exam, this course provides useful information for the individual who is preparing for REWC registration.
For questions please contact Zac Blankenship at zblankenship@nbhandy.com